Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day One

Ok. So it's not as bad as I initially thought it would be. Watching TV is not a big deal to me, so I'm not really missing it too much yet. The big thing is: Internet and texting! I miss it sooo much. I feel out of touch not surfing or checking in. Work consumed most of my day so it was easy to keep busy but I am used to listening to music or the radio while I am at work, so the day seemed a little bit longer than usual. And driving with no music is really quiet (it's about a 40 minute drive to and from work). It seems like it takes longer to get around for some reason. The up side is, once I got home from work, I had a very productive night. My final history paper is complete, my laundry is almost done! I will have more time to dedicate to tomorrow and hanging out with family b/c a lot of stuff is already done. So all in all, not super bad, but I can't wait for Sunday!

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