Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 1

Well i started the project on saturday and it was a little tough. First thing i tried to do when i woke up was check both my phone and facbook but i caught myself in the act of doing it. Then i wanted to watch tv but remembered that i couldnt do that either. So to relieve myself of boredom i decided to go to the gym, i usually have my ipod blasting whenever i work out so i decided to cheat and listen to my ipod while i worked out. After that i spent the next 8 hours of my day at work. Im not allowed to txt while im at work anyway but it was still hard not to pull out my phone when no one is looking and sneak in a quick txt. I got out of work at 9pm and that is when i usually call my friends to see if they are doing anything that night but i couldnt use my cell phone so i just decided to show up at my friends house. Then i just chilled with my friends for the rest of the night. So overall during the day i had some tough times but i survived without using mass media every single second.

Day Two

So, ok Saturday was much harder than Friday. Since I didn't have much as far as my schedule goes, I was hurting. I needed something to pass the time. Friday was a productive day and Saturday was boring at first. No internet is killing me! I never realized how attached to it I was. Having an iPhone is just the worst. I have everything at my finger tips, but I can't use any of it. Not even games. I reached for my radio in my car at least 3 or 4 times, forgetting that it was off limits. Driving around without music is too quiet for me. Especially if I am driving with my kids. They also wanted to listen to the radio but I had to tell them "No." I didn't like that too much. The only time I used the internet was when I was checking for assignments on Blackboard. Besides that I stayed pretty strict to the guidelines. All in all, I'm pretty proud of myself. Except blogging at almost 10PM. That is totally my bad! OOPS! Hope everyone else is doing well with the project. See ya'll Wednesday.

Day 1

I woke up and went to work, it was hard not to listen to music on the way to work. Then I got home at about 6 pm and since I could'nt use the computer I read for about 3 hrs. then I started to get ready to go to a party.

Saturday: Day 1

Okay, thankfully my day started late, so having no media wasn't all that bad. Friday night I stayed up late, so I didn't wake up until almost 11. Since I knew that couldn't do anything media related, I decided to focus on school stuff since finals are next week. That was harder than it sounded. Usually during homework I listen to music, so that was kind of hard at first with just silence. I listen to music everywhere. I listen to it walking from class to class, I listen in the car, while working out, and any other situation that I can. As you can imagine, the day was pretty long. As far as social networking, I don't have a Facebook so I didn't worry there, but I do use the Internet for looking at videos and movies when I' am bored. T.V. and the phone are not that bad either. I don't watch T.V. that much and it's easy for me to not text back to somebody. I'll just explain to them Monday why I didn't text back. After I finished studying I washed my car, and then I went to mall to buy some things. I realized that if I was busy the day wasn't that hard to deal with. Later at about 12 PM, I went to the gym and played some basketball. Before I went asleep, I realized how much I depend on music. However, I did find out that I would surive if for some reason I didnt have access to music anymore. It was a very long day but I am glad I went through it because I learned many things about myself that I can use in the future to help me in future situations.

day two: serious self-discipline

I started Saturday off by waking up at ten o'clock, thinking that the later I sleep the less time I had to be deprived form media. since i had turned my phone off I wasn't tempted to check for text messages and check my friends statuses on facebook. Usually when I am eating breakfast I watch t.v., that was really difficult to do without on this morning due to the huge weekend of college football. After breakfast I went to the gym to workout. At the gym they have t.v.s everywhere and the radio is playing constantly so it was like a little piece of heaven when I saw the ACC championship game while working out. Driving without the radio has been the easiest form of media to do without during this experience. Without it I reflect on what life would be like with no mass media influence......I had come to the realization that it is much more boring. When I returned home I sat down in the kitchen to think of some ideas that would kill time and make the day more enjoyable without media. I remembered that my truck was rather dirty and had been that way for a long time, so I hand washed it which took about 2 hours. I will probably never hand wash it again but in order to make time go by it had to be done. Once i completed that task the time was about 4 o'clock and I had no more ideas to kill time other than sleep, so i took a cat nap and awoke at 6 o'clock still facing the dreaded media derivation for another 12 hours. Faced with no ideas I resorted to my phone and some help form my friends. When i met up with them the day seemed to fly by. We spent some time at the RIM eating dinner and looking for the gifts our families told us they wanted. After the shopping and eating we headed to a party where i listened to music and watched t.v.. All and all this experience has showed me how being without the things I use most can make for an eventful 48 hours

Brian Brown Saturday

Well finally this madness is over. I found that not using media made me actually depressed and detached, I cant believe the affect media has on someones life. I slept until almost 3pm and felt exhausted by doing almost nothing. This has been one for the books I will never forget. I found that not watching tv was the hardest. The second was using the internet, then my cell phone. Lastly I found that radio is not that important to me but I did feel the affect by not being able to access it if I needed it.

Artistic Saturday and Party!

Saturday off from work, equals very hard day without media. I had to find something to do on a Saturday without work and without watching television, using the Internet, checking Facebook, listening to music and the hardest of them all. No "Angry Birds" game on my cellphone! A very addicting game that I like to use as a daily pastime. Well I woke up, and an idea sparked up. I would go eat breakfast with my girlfriend then go to the flea market to buy old school video games, which I love to collect and play. Which I thought would be kind of ironic since I couldn't play the video games if I bought some, but there is always time for that the next day. Well that took about three hours off my Saturday, I was done about 1:30. Now there was no other option but to go home because I didn't want to spend any more money at least for the afternoon. So I got home and for some reason my artistic side came to my mind. I felt like I wanted to do something that would definitely take some time and distract me from any media. Well I started off lazy, I printed out a picture of a dragon, so I could color and it would take some time. So I did, and once I was done coloring, I felt I still needed to pick it up a little, coloring a printout of a dragon was not very artistic. So I did I let my inner kid out and started drawing an alien and a space ship which I then kept adding color and props until the whole page had no more white on it. Then I thought to my self, you know what; I am going to step up a level, I will show Marc Bauerlein we can still be artistic without media so I got my 16" by 25" pad and my charcoal chalks and started thinking of what to draw. Then it just hit me, I thought of the most abundant and representative plant of the southwest, the cactus. Then I did and it turned out pretty good. I will post some pictures so you guys can see exactly what I did. After that I took a nap for about an hour and when I woke up, the best thing in the world was in my phone. I got a text from a friend about a party at 9:00 p.m. at his apartment! That sure sounded like heavenly sent text. I knew with this I had my Saturday made. I would get to listen to music, have a drink with friends, and socialize for the rest of the night and go to sleep like a baby until the next morning which ended my media deprivation project. So I didn't think about it twice, I got ready headed to the store for some refreshments and headed out to the party as soon as possible. And that was how my Saturday without media went, I really enjoyed it, not so bad!

Media Deprivation Day 2 Taylor Davis

Okay, so let me just tell you that I am so glad I decided to do my Media Deprivation project on Friday and Saturday because there are way too many good sporting events happening today to miss. I had a pretty low-key saturday, even though I spent much of the day on the computer posting on discussion boards for other classes and writing papers I was able to stay off of ESPN and Facebook. (which happen to be my two favorite websites) I have been taking full advantage today of all of my social media outlets and online shopping oppurtunities. This porject has made me notice a few things: 1.I can get soooooo much more done withought the distractions of TV and internet everyday. 2. The convenience of the internet makes many things much easier. (ordering food online, paying bills online, shipping online) 3.I find it kind of funny that they call it social media because most forms of social media actually cause us to be inside on the computer as opposed to being social in the real world. I didn't really find the deprivation of media too hard these past 2 days I just found that it has allowed me more time to get other things done.

Day 1

This is m first day without using any mass media devices, I woke up at 1 pm, but the bad thing was that I always sleep with my cell pchone near to me and I was hearing how I was reciving all the messages and emails and facebook things. Then I had the temptation to look on facebook, but i didnt !! to be sincere I did talk a few times to my friends by messages, it was a little dificult for me because I had a dance preformence at scholl and I had to talk to friends about things of the taht we need to took to the theater etc. After this, I was cooking and my roomate was wathcing TV, and I was like noooooo I cannot watch TV jaj but I coudnt do eneything make her turn it off, and what I did is not payed attention so eat fast,, and it was a part that I wanted to know what she was seeing, becuase it sound intresting but I really didnt now what was she seeing, but finally I didnt new anything jaja. When I was driving to my preformence , I ussually make 30 minutes to arrive to school, and the only thing that entertain me is the radio, my boyfreind was driving and turn on the radio and I was like nooo I cant jaja so I turn it off and I said that we shoud sing, so all my way to school we were singing. and with this experience I learn that how mass media has affected us in the way of how we comunicate each other , for example families dont spend any time together anymore, because each one of them have a Tv on their room, so this separte them from spending time as a family, and I told my boyfriend that this experience by not hearing the music make me think that when we hear music we dont talk to each other, and when we turn it off, we are talking to each other.

Day 1: Saturday

Okay, so I've done this project before (I've taken this class in the past) and it was extremely hard for me to accomplish, thats why I made extra sure that I could do it this time around.

Yesterday was really hard because I had the day off. Usually I love taking a break, but this time, I wish I had been at work all day. I started off by waking up, which was at 12:30 pm because I did not set my alarm. Half of the reason was because I didn't have anything planned for the day, and the other half was for this project. Laying in bed, I caught myself typing in the URL for facebook in my Blackberry, but I stopped when I remembered I was deprived of media.

Since I couldn't really do anything around my house because of the media, I decided to go shopping with my mom. We had a lot of christmas shopping to do, so I was there all day. The hardest part about being at the mall was using my Blackberry when I was in a "mommy" store,waiting. This wasn't too bad because the mall was better than being at home. I listened to the christmas music playing around the stores, used an ipad in the Apple store, and watch a couple music videos inside different stores.

When we left the mall and got home it was really hard to resist watching television. Since the news was on, I didn't feel that bad about sneaking in the living room for 30 minutes. Watching my laptop right in front of me being unused was so hard! I always play Text Twist Turbo and I couldn't! So, I decided to go take my dog for a walk. We went pretty far in my neighborhood, so that took my mind off media for quite a while. I think I did really good considering that I didn't even take my ipod with me!

Since I woke up late, night time came pretty quick and the deprivation got harder to resist. I decided to stay in tonight, so it harder than I thought. Usually I lay in bed and watch televison until I fall asleep, but not this night. I gave in a checked and on my Blackberry. I didn't feel that bad since I had resisted media all day and I didn't even go to my favorite site, When I finished my readings, I was suprisingly tired and passed out.

Overall, Saturday wasn't too bad. I'm just worried about tommorrow!

day 1

okay so this is pretty interesting. i did pretty well all Saturday morning but not having work started making it a little difficult as the day progressed. My cell phone is my best friend and is literally in my hand anywhere between 15 -18 hours a day with me just waiting for it to vibrate. it did slip my mind that i had this "media deprivation project" that I'm supposed to be doing. So around 1pm comes around and i get a text message from my beautiful girlfriend. Apparently she "forgot" that i wasn't allowed to text her for the next two days. But Stupid me, just out of habit opens the phone up and starts to text away. As far as the radio, i mean i love music, i am a fan of all types of music but i can do without it. It is kinda weird driving in complete silence though, especially when you have bad tires. All i can hear is this really annoying "wom! wom! wom! wom!" sound coming from my tires. Now deprivation of the Internet is also pretty interesting considering that i am a new user of face book. i almost logged onto my face book account but caught it while i was typing in my password. i don't know how everyone else feels about this but this project will reveal a lot about yourself and things you rely on. Its actually kinda creepy.

Day Two.

I tried my best not to wake up before seven. However, that didn't happen I woke up at about six. I didn't have much to do yesterday.

After waking up I started drawing some pictures of a character from my plot-less comic. I tried to make on of them an image of the character throwing a fireball from her hand; I spent a good frustrating hour trying to get the outline to look just right. Then another one where she's kind of rocketing herself upwards with jet stream of fire coming from her mouth. I made this picture in a dynamic view point. Your looking up from the ground seeing her face up close blast fire from her mouth to the ground. Her head seems out of proportion with the rest of the characters body being that her body is being foreshortened. Note; none of the characters I came up with have names. A plot-less story with characters that have no names; glorious.

After eating breakfast I decided I'd break a rule and watch something streaming off the net for a while. I got bored of sitting around doing nothing but my laundry and drawing. I probably watch this anime called, Beck I picked it from That's all I did the whole day. I didn't turn on the TV though and I didn't do any online gaming or file sharing. Which is a problem because I need to send this dude these 2D graphics I finished for him so he could put them in his game.

Going to sleep in silence is nice. I feel I actually dream when I sleep in silence rather than with some kind of sound buzzing in my room. I had a dream about the world being attack by alien space ships and like in a video game I some died but then I re-spawned or something. Then when I woke up it felt like I was asleep for a week straight.

This whole experience has made me think about how much time I spend on my computer playing games and surfing for anime.

Another Day

I have to do two post now sonce i work all day today and wont see a computer till latwer tonight its fine cause im fine. Ill work than go chill and sleep MAYBE study (LOL).


This isnt to bad, I just find myslef working and sleeping. All day staurday I laid in bedf listening to my girlfriend study for her finals then I wen to work. Hmm not much media in my life.

Saturday,12-4-10, Day 1

Well lets see, I woke and headed out to my math lab to catch up on some much needed hours fo my class. I was pretty good about not turning on my Pandora when i was getting dressed in the morning or checking my FB to see what was up. When I was on my way to NVC, I cheated by accident beacause when I got into my car my radio was on but I didn't realize it cause my dad was trying to talk to about something that i forgot to do before I left. So about 5 miles into town I relized that I was singing to music and I automatically turned it off. The rest of the way over there was very quiet and not my cup tea. During math lab, again it was difficult not to listen to my music while doing my review. I never relized that I use music that much. After math lab for 4 hours, I headed home thinking maybe if i thought of songs and sung them in the car it wouldnt be so bad. (Never trust your own singing by the way) So when I arrived at my house, I decieded that i wasnt going to go out but instead just clean my room and wash clothes. Around 4:15, my grandmother and I decieded that we were going to make supper and corn tortillas together. After we ate, and coversated and cleaned up we helped my sister with her Christmas Crafts. Then i decieded i had enough then i started to clean my room until i had enough around 10:00pm then i fell asleep.

1st day

I will say this project is actually pretty hard. I woke up on Saturday and of course checked my phone to see my text messages.I showered and got ready and it was so hard not to turn on my ipod dock as I usually do. I had to go to work at 10:30 and it was very difficult to not turn on my radio to listen to music on the way to work. I work at Buffalo Wild Wings so I was definitely not deprived at work of the TV and music. During work its really difficult to text, so it wasn't hard for me to not go check my phone or send text messages in the bathroom. After work of course I wanted to text everyone about what was going on that night, so instead I just text three people instead of five and made the messages very short. I was so tempted throughout the day to get onto facebook with my phone or play Pandora radio. I forgot to say that I actually got a brand new phone yesterday mailed to me and I did go ahead and upload applications to it. I was thinking about it and most the time that I mess around with my phone is due to just being bored at the moment, I wasn't ever dying to grab my phone or really see what every ones status's were on facebook. The one thing I really did struggle with yesterday was not being able to listen to the radio as I did my homework. I was actually very productive without media yesterday and finished all my homework that was due until next Sunday. Although while doing homework I usually always log onto my facebook page and text people. That night I decided not to go out and I will not lie but I cheated and skyped with my best friend for about an hour before I decided to go to sleep.It was extremely hard not to text my boyfriend and ask him how his night was going.

Saturday: What a hot day for a play.

The previous night before, my parents got home and blasted the volume on the tv. In order to go to sleep, I plugged in earplugs so I can sleep in silence. I realized that it wasn’t a good idea when I woke up at 7:40 rushing to get ready for work, which was at 8. I got there 3 mins late, but they didn’t seem to mind. I was hoping that I was going to bag groceries all day, but I ended up outside the whole shift and it was hot. After my shift ended, I drove home tired. I came to an empty home. I called my parents to find out where they were ( I know, no cell phones allowed), and they went to Mya’s (my favorite Mexican restaurant) without me. They said I could meet them there and when I did they were already done. I still ended up eating, but it would have been nice if they had asked. After that, my dad drove me to get the car inspected and when we arrived, they said we needed to have a piece of the car (this piece was a decoration) in order to pass. So my dad drove across town looking for the part at a cheap price. When we arrived to the place, it was closed. As my dad drove us home, we noticed the car was out of gas, luckily we made it to a gas station before we would need to push the car home. When we came home, I ran to the computer to type up the blog. When I came down stairs, I noticed the new Netflix DVDs were on the table. Unfortunately, because of this media depravation project, I couldn’t watch them. After that, I ended up taking out Christmas decorations out of the boiling-hot attic, and then I put up Christmas lights using our century-old wooden ladder, but I didn’t die. Once we decorated the outside of the house, I decided to take a bike ride around the neighborhood. Then, I came back home, got dressed, and went to my sister’s play. Sadly, her role wasn’t as big as we thought. After the play was over, we went out to Chili’s to grab a bite to eat. Before I knew it, it was time to go to sleep for work in the morning.

Saturday, Day 2: Social Media? Pfffssst! I'm Good!

Okay, I gave in yesterday. But not as much as I thought I would, so I'm actually kinda proud of myself. Don't worry, I'll explain later.

After taking it slow and getting up kinda late, I started my day by spending several hours grading. I also teach COMM 1307 online and just about every week I have my students post "discussion" and "peer" responses on Blackboard as part of their Discussion grade, which is worth 30% of their overall grade. Over the weekend I spend a good deal of time grading their responses, usually while listening to music on my iTunes library. Well, I tried to grade in complete silence and I just couldn't do it! I had to have my music playing so I said to hell with the rules and gave in. I'm so weak!

But on the other hand, I didn't check my Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or play Words With Friends or Angry Birds on my iPhone, both of which happen to be my primary time-wasting addictions these days. What kinda surprised me this time around (I've done the media deprivation every semester since Fall 2008), is how easy it was for me to ignore my social networking sites and my iPhone. I don't recall it being this easy last time I deprived myself of mass media.

I even went so far as to turn off cellphone notifications for my Twitter account, so in many ways I was out of the loop. For instance, I didn't see the Spurs game Friday night so I didn't know if they won or not. I had to text a buddy of mine yesterday to find out. They won by the way.

I was also proud of my resistance to surfing the Internet, which I usually tend to do when I'm on my laptop grading my online Mass Comm class. The temptation is just too great, what with the ability to have multiple tabs open on my Macbook and the ease in which I can toggle between different websites via the F3 button (I *really* like that button). But I didn't give in to temptation. Yes, I was listening to music while grading but trust me: It could've been a lot worse.

And yet my inability to stay strong didn't end there as I gave in to watching TV! I decided to stay in last night, but with a good chunk of my school stuff done--and having eye fatigue from looking at a computer monitor for several hours--I couldn't resist the urge to watch some of the shows on my DVR. So there I was watching a mini-marathon of the History Channel's Ancient Aliens series, and you know what? I didn't feel all that guilty!

Why? Mainly because I've been unable to watch a lot of the stuff on my DVR due to being so busy with school stuff, especially during weekends where I actually get a lot of work done. So I saw this as a rare opportunity to knock out some shows without being distracted by my iPhone or laptop, both of which tend to prevent me from fully enjoying some quality time with my TV. For instance, I usually have my laptop on and right by my side whenever I watch TV in the living room, but this time I didn't, which is why I ultimately felt good about myself even though I broke other rules yesterday.

But make no mistake: The first thing I did when I woke up on Sunday was check my Twitter feed, then my Facebook, then promptly resumed my games on Words With Friends! So much for overcoming that social media addiction!

Can't Escape

"Not as easy as it sounds" would be my best choice of words describing my first day of media deprivation. I thought I would have an easier time with this assignment because my life is fairly media deprived, but because it has become a taboo I find it in everything. To understand my frustration you need to know a little bit about my situation. I live on a couch in my friends one bedroom apartment with him and his girlfriend. This is great for my vagabond lifestyle, since I don't pay rent and haven't unpacked my bags in a year, but makes it difficult to avoid the media when the only television in the apartment is a fifty two inch old big screen that is fixed directly in front of my bed/couch. Having no window blinds to shield me from the first onslaught of light that breaks the horizon, I haven't the luxury of sleeping in to pass my day. I did find myself reaching for the remote when I first woke up but stopped my self and got a book off the shelf that I have been reading. This book was my entertainment for most of the morning, until my roommates woke up and began to play video games. I escaped out to the balcony in an attempt to avoid the media that is hiding around me in all forms that seem to be ever more tantalizing now that they have become forbidden. It lines the walls with books and DVDs, it's scattered around the table in magazines and Cd's and its waiting just one tempting click away on the television or computer. I need to escape from society to truly evade this media plague. After their globally connected battle was over my friend went to work and I took his girlfriend around town to apply for jobs. This was an interesting couple of hours since I had been deprived of all forms of mobile listening, with the exception of the life troubles of a nineteen year old girl. To ease my frustration I went to Lifetime Fitness and rock climbed for a little while before I went into work. Work was more enjoyable and easier to pass than usual, imagine that, and luckily when my shift ended I arrived home to sleeping roommates and was able to go to bed with hopes of an better day tomorrow.

Day II- "the unexpected"

Another busy day ahead of me awaits, I have a long and busy day in front of me. I woke up and started my busy day getting ready for the cheer performance. I had to take my daughter to her cheer event. We jumped into the car and drove off. I enjoyed my ride with my daughter. Without any sorts of media interruptions we had a great conversation going on. when we arrived there was music playing at her performance. The music didn't bother me at all. We were there all afternoon. The challenge of depriving myself from all sorts of media has no effect on me. At least , until I arrived home. Tired of all the daily activity I had, I was ready to get some rest. I kept reminding myself about the media deprivation project. That evening was one of the hardest time I experienced. Time was playing a big factor at the moment, time stood still. I wanted the clock hands to turn to ten o'clock. I wanted to go to bed but it was not time, yet. During that time I picked up a book and read "Catch Me If You Can" I also wrote a letter to my dear friend. There were no temptations from cell phone use because I decided to keep it away. I remember making one call and the rest was easy because of my smartphone keypad malfuction. So I was not likely to use my smartphone with the keypad malfuction. I did realize a few temptations when I arrived home, I wanted so bad to pop in a movie that Ive been wanting to watch for the past two days. After reading, I fell fast asleep... I was so glad this day was over...

"Driving Slow on Sunday morning"

This has been one hell of a weekend.
From friday up until today ive been working and feeling really bad about the fact i haven't written anything on here. Friday i was a work from 4-12 and i just completely spaced out on the assignment. but, what was good is that no phone was used (which was fine cause i can live without it) and no music was listened to all day except for work, which was hard for me because music is like my meth and i love christmas music but, the stuff we play at work, let's just say i prefer having my teeth drilled. I think the only computer that was being used all day was the registers at work and doing search sends. Yesterday, i was at work from 2-11pm and i gave in a little to my cell phone only cause i had to call home only to say i was gonna be staying at work later than i thought. im not really sure if showing someone how to use a kindle is acceptable in this blog thing but, i did use that. tv was easier than i thought. Going into the break room during lunch/dinner i just read the newspaper or talked to my friend Stephanie. So for my second blog since i didnt write one for friday saturday and this is one for today its gonna be good. My friend since hearing about this project has momentarily taken my ipod, cell phone and laptop away from me so its fine. Since im going back to work today its gonna be the same as always.
Its sad tho, the only music im listening to are the songs that are in my head. not like in a creepy of saying that i mean, the songs that i loved so much i ended up memerizing them.
it sucks.