Saturday, December 4, 2010

Taylor Davis - Friday - Day 1

Soooooo I have gotten more done in the past 2 days than I feel like I have done all week. I started Friday off by waking up and going to the gym because that was going to be the only way I got to watch my morning sportscenter. After running 4 miles (Which was just long enough to watch 30 minutes of ESPN) I drove home and it seemed like it took forever since I couldn't listen to the radio. There were a few little repairs that needed to be done around my apartment and since I couldn't get on facebook or watch TV at all I decided to go to The Home Depot and get the materials needed to do them myself. After the repairs were done I decided that I needed some type of social interaction so I cheated and made one phone call to a friend and told him to call some other friends so we could all go to lunch. There wasn't any big sporting events on in the middle of the day so watching TV at the restraunt wasn't really even a temptation. (But again the drive to and from the restraunt seemed so much longer without music) After lunch I decided that I would go home and do some homework. It is amazing how much more work I can get done without getting on Facebook or having the TV or radio playing in the background. After writing 3 papers for my History and American Literature as well as doing 2 different online discussions I decided that dinner would be a wonderful idea. I had already told my brother about the project and that I would be joining him for dinner that night so a phone call was not even needed. I went to his house and his wife made us a wonderful dinner. I decided that I would be productive again before I went to bed so I spotlessly cleaned my kitchen and bathroom. I htink the thing that i noticed the most through the first day is how much we depend on certain electronics. The other thing I noticed is how much I would save each month if i cut out all of those electronics. My cable and internet bill is roughly $180 per month and my cell phone bill is about $110. If I were to go without both of those (which today showed me is possible) I would save roughly $3,500 a year!!! that is ridiculous!!! Well, I guess we will see how tomorrow goes, more than likely I will not be getting rid of the cell phone but i might have to look into my options as far as the cable and internet. :)

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