Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love Media.

I have to admit, this has been the craziest day ever it has made me realize how much I depend on media and how addicted I am to my phone! Friday morning i tried to wake up the latest possible. I woke up at 10:30 a.m. this really helped because I only had to wait 3 hours until work. By the time I was ready it was already 12 p.m. noon. At this time I couldn't stand being at the house without using any media, so I left my house to go eat a 7 seas soup at "Los Cocos" Mexican Seafood restaurant. Luckily they had a lady singing karaoke so I got some music to my ears whic really helped. After I was done eating it was already 1 p.m. so I headed to work. I have to admit this was the most loneliest and long ride to work, I had never appreciated radio and music so much. Now that I didn't have it, I really missed it! I had to sing and dance to me singing! That was not a good idea, first I noticed that I am not very good at remembering song lyrics, actually I am really bad. It was really funny listening to me singing and makin up lyrics to random songs. I even tried singing some Vicente Fernades classical songs in spanish. And as you can expect I couldn't rememeber those lyrics either. At the same time that it was lonely and kind of sad it was funny listening to my self sing. So I got to work and and it was fun friday, which means we sing and dance with the kids which sounded like heaven this day. Being at work really helped me because it was 6 hours that I am not tempted by my cellphone, the internet, or the radio, this really helped me enjoy this Friday at work. Once I got out, I replied to my girlfriends text message, she wanted to go have dinner so I took it as an emergency text that I had to reply and we went to "Buffalo Wild Wings" a place abundant in media that would really help me release stress and have a good time in a public environment. After some wings and beer I felt so tired and drowsy I just wanted to get home and sleep.

too busy for mass media

Well yesterday was a busy day for me since I was in the extravadanza , I spent all day getting ready! I woke up in the morning went to the gym, I workout for about 2 hrs and then at 3:00 p.m. I had an appointment with my makeup artist. I did not have any problems with depriving myself with all sorts of media. I did not have any time for it. I was too busy for being on the internet or all other sorts of mass media. I was backstage rehearsing for the show, so basically I was not influenced by mass media at all. It was a long day, and my drive home made me really tired. So as soon as I arrived home I fell fast asleep. It was a long stressful day! Im glad it's over.

Day One.

My day started out pretty tough because I'm used to waking up on Friday's and immediately hitting my comic website for anything new. However, today I can only close my laptop and stare at the word "Toshiba" on the back of the screen. What makes it worse is I wake up early so I kind of had a long day to draw, sit around, or sleep. I started the day off with drawing or rather coming up with a plot for my comic. I started a comic, only a page and two panel long, with no plot. No point to the story other than the adventure the main character might have. I spent a hour trying to come up with a way I could make a multi-dimensional-Satan-like-being fit into being the big story baddie. Some how he has to appear in the universe with the powers to change the universe to explain why some people now have super natural powers or changes to their person. Everytime I think about it the baddie just seems too power. After a long period of pacing my room I just screw it, I'm going to make me breakfast. This part of my Friday is something I sometimes procrastinate being distracted by online gaming, gaming, or web surfing. That day I did it around 9:30am which is the time I like to do it. My mom's not in the house at that time and I guess it has some kind of meditative effect on me. Usually after I cook something I like to watch something while I eat. Be it on the science channel, history channel, or just the news on CNN. Yesterday I just ate and looked around my room for something to do for a while. Mostly at the corners of my room I paid attention to how the light touched each surface of all the corners differently. I feel asleep at some time that morning, and woke up when my dad rang the door bell. He came by to take me to go get my hair cut. I didn't really talk to him when he came by I was still bit sleepy. I slept in the car on the way there and on the way back I did the same. Pretty much after I got back from my hair cut I spent my time drawing, sleeping, and washing my clothes. I became effected by not watching TV mostly around the time I usually go to sleep which is about eleven. I stay up past nine to watch Family Guy, South Park, and The Daily Show. Since I couldn't watch those shows I just went to sleep which is also not normal because usually I fall asleep watching one of those shows. However, I had to sleep in silence which caused me to think a lot. Made me think how much I don't socialize.

Taylor Davis - Friday - Day 1

Soooooo I have gotten more done in the past 2 days than I feel like I have done all week. I started Friday off by waking up and going to the gym because that was going to be the only way I got to watch my morning sportscenter. After running 4 miles (Which was just long enough to watch 30 minutes of ESPN) I drove home and it seemed like it took forever since I couldn't listen to the radio. There were a few little repairs that needed to be done around my apartment and since I couldn't get on facebook or watch TV at all I decided to go to The Home Depot and get the materials needed to do them myself. After the repairs were done I decided that I needed some type of social interaction so I cheated and made one phone call to a friend and told him to call some other friends so we could all go to lunch. There wasn't any big sporting events on in the middle of the day so watching TV at the restraunt wasn't really even a temptation. (But again the drive to and from the restraunt seemed so much longer without music) After lunch I decided that I would go home and do some homework. It is amazing how much more work I can get done without getting on Facebook or having the TV or radio playing in the background. After writing 3 papers for my History and American Literature as well as doing 2 different online discussions I decided that dinner would be a wonderful idea. I had already told my brother about the project and that I would be joining him for dinner that night so a phone call was not even needed. I went to his house and his wife made us a wonderful dinner. I decided that I would be productive again before I went to bed so I spotlessly cleaned my kitchen and bathroom. I htink the thing that i noticed the most through the first day is how much we depend on certain electronics. The other thing I noticed is how much I would save each month if i cut out all of those electronics. My cable and internet bill is roughly $180 per month and my cell phone bill is about $110. If I were to go without both of those (which today showed me is possible) I would save roughly $3,500 a year!!! that is ridiculous!!! Well, I guess we will see how tomorrow goes, more than likely I will not be getting rid of the cell phone but i might have to look into my options as far as the cable and internet. :)

Day One

Ok. So it's not as bad as I initially thought it would be. Watching TV is not a big deal to me, so I'm not really missing it too much yet. The big thing is: Internet and texting! I miss it sooo much. I feel out of touch not surfing or checking in. Work consumed most of my day so it was easy to keep busy but I am used to listening to music or the radio while I am at work, so the day seemed a little bit longer than usual. And driving with no music is really quiet (it's about a 40 minute drive to and from work). It seems like it takes longer to get around for some reason. The up side is, once I got home from work, I had a very productive night. My final history paper is complete, my laundry is almost done! I will have more time to dedicate to tomorrow and hanging out with family b/c a lot of stuff is already done. So all in all, not super bad, but I can't wait for Sunday!

Friday: No school, work, and now no Facebook or Netflix.

Started the day off with a early morning phone call (I know no cell phones, sorry) from my good buddy, Ryan, asking me to look for movie times for the next showing of the new Harry Potter. And since we can’t use the Internet, I made my dad look up times for a theater that we didn’t end up going to. The night before I asked my mom to give me money to pay for lunch with my friend since he refused to drive over to my house because he lives 30 mins away and gas isn’t cheap. So when I told him that night about my mom giving me money so we could have lunch and go to the movies, he caved. At 11:00AM that morning, after I got dressed, we went to expensive Schlotzsky’s for lunch. The two meals cost me around $16, ouch. After we ate, he drove over to the Silverado theater, where we bought tickets for a time that started at 12:55PM since we missed the 12:00PM showing. We played the Ice Hockey game while we waited for the movie to start. After they let us in, we sat down behind the annoying D-Box seats and talked about how movie theater ads didn’t have sound and they were just slides when we were little, and during the ads we would riff on them as they appeared on the screen. Now that they have sound, we can’t do that any more. When all the ads and trailers were over, the movie started. Since I haven’t read any of the books past Prisoner of Azkaban and I haven’t seen the 6th movie since November, I was a little rough on my Harry Potter. Ryan had to explain what had happened in parts the movie left out. If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t read this book, I would have probably loved it. It was good, it’s just that I forgot what happened in the last Harry Potter. After that, Ryan had to drive me back home and leave because he had to film something at school for his English class. And because I was rushed into getting out of his car, I left my sunglasses case inside his car. When I told him about this after he had left, he searched his car and couldn’t find it. That bothered me for most of the day. When I was up for it, I went to the computer to finish up some homework and that took a good 2-3 hrs of my time. After I was done, the parents came home to watch TV, and when they watch it, it is loud. So because of that; I plugged in some earplugs, took out my contacts, and went to bed, forgetting that I had work in the morning.

A day without mass media

So i kicked the media deprivation off with a great day at work. surprisingly i didn't use any form of media there. Work consumed most of the day and made the start of the 48 hours very easy. After work i went home for about 45 minutes without any t.v. or use of the computer. I ended my day at the Alamodome for my brothers regional quarter finals high school football game. His team lost but i enjoyed being able to see him play. once i got back home i was worn out and knew i couldn't watch t.v. or get on facebook to see what was going on last i called it a day and went to sleep. 24 hours down...24 more to go.

Friday, Day 1: Sleep Can Be Very Tiring

Day one of my mass media deprivation went about as well as a day without mass media could; that is, it went without incident and I got some stuff done. After sleeping in after a long night out with friends I got up to greet my parents who came over to my house to help me put up Christmas decorations, which happens to be one of my favorite tasks of the year (yeah freakin' right!).

But I was actually glad I had to put decorations today because it not only gave me something to do without the need to use mass media, but also because it meant I get to hang with my parents. My dad and I put up three deer with lights on them and a decorative Christmas tree that lights up, all of which created a little wintry scene on the front lawn. I have some neighbors who had their Christmas lights up the day after Thanksgiving, which I think is totally overachieving but whatevs. As someone who tends to view the holiday season as a stressful, consumer-centric time of year, it takes me a while to get in the holiday spirit.

Next was the Christmas tree, which we assembled in no time (it's an artificial one with lights and everything). Unfortunately, the TV was on in the living room while we were putting up the tree because, well, I learned very early on that when a five-year-old wants to watch her shows you let her. By the way, for the record Disney shows suck and Nick shows rock. (My five-year-old niece came along that day and that girl, God bless her, gets whatever she wants; unfortunately for me the show she was watching was The Suite Life on Deck).

So after everyone left I decided to take a nap. I was going to be heading out for a night out with my girlfriend so I wanted to be fully recharged. Oh, who am I kidding? I only really took a nap because I was unable to watch TV, surf the Internet or listen to music while grading, so burning some hours sleeping seemed like a great idea.

So three and half hours later I woke up feeling groggy as hell. Truth of the matter is I hate taking naps because I always feel more tired when I wake up. But hey, that was a good chunk of my day gone and I didn't have to be conscious to feel that media deprivation eating away at me. I had decided that feeling crappy and more tired was better than being awake and tempted to give in and use mass media somehow.

I still had a couple of hours to kill before heading out to Helotes for a concert at Josabi's. The band was Ghostland Observatory (my girlfriend's choice); I had heard them before but this was going to be my first time watching them. Basically, I was looking forward to going to the show because I'd be listening to live music surrounded by all kinds of people. The night was especially nice, too; crisp and cold, but not too cold. And being outside felt even cooler with a stage show such as this one:

In sum, day one wasn't all that bad. I was productive, got to spend some time with my parents, had a cool experience with my girlfriend out in Helotes (though I'm still not a huge fan of Ghostland; I think the vocals suck), all the while getting my much needed mass media fix. Oh, and apparently we're magnets for drunk idiots who like to jump into our conversations and caress my hair? What the hell was up with that anyway????

Brian Brown Friday

This media deprivation is a whole lot harder than I thought.. I turned on my tv at least 4 times today without snapping for like a few minutes each time. I left the house and headed to NorthStar to knock out some holiday shopping and even went to the humane society to look into pet adoptions. Driving without a radio is sort of weird if you are the only person in the car, but so far I find that the easist to deprive myself of.