Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 2: Sunday..UNBEARABLE!

My second day was so much worse!

Since it was my second day off work, this day was practically unbearable! It was so hard not to use media. Before I started this project I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. I never thought it would be this hard not to use media.
When I woke up, the first thing I did was turn on the televison and watch the news. I almost started flipping the channel, but then remembered that I wasn't suppose to enjoy the media for today.
My boyfriend, Tyler had called me asking if I wanted to see a movie since we do every Sunday. I immediately said yes, since I could atleast go out and enjoy a movie, media and social communication.
After the movie, it was pretty late, so I decided just eat dinner and go to bed. I headed to bed pretty early because I knew Desperate Housewives would be coming on soon and I did not want to be tempted into watching it.
This weekend was really hard without using media, but I tried really hard and I can definitely say that I accompished this weekends media deprivation.

media runs the world

its safe to say the media runs the world and we as people make run effiectly as ever and knowing that technology keeps getting better makes it alln worth while.

its over

no media no problem. the hardest part was no music in the car

day 2...terrible!!!!

okay this wasnt cool at all, anyone whokonws me can and will tell you that I am the biggest dallas cowbows fan in the world, now regardless of their 3-8 record coming into yesterday afternoons game i was pretty pumped about it. We got this new hotshot coach that has done some impressive work with the dallas cowboys football team, but anyway that is beside the point. i had church from 9:30am till about 11:30 am and then went to have some menudo at some catering event. Well around 2 o'clock comes around so ill tell my girlfriend "oh man look at the time, its about that time to start getting ready to watch the game" so this girl has the nerve to say "aren't you not allowed to watch tv today?" keep in mind this is the same girl that texted me the day before knowing that i wasnt allowed to text. i was so......i cant even describe what my true feelings were but lets just say i was in a pretty bad mood. i literally havn't missed a dallas cowboy games in 4 seasons. It was heartbreaking, but i was up for the challenge. im not gonna lie i started thinking of little crafty ideas around it but it involed a cell phone and a radio so it was a big no no. i have to say that this project was very interesting and that i would definately consider doing it again just for the excitement. Oh so it turns out i missed a pretty awesome game. GREAT!!!! Thanks Mr. Lopez!! Kidding! HaHa!

Day 2

Sunday wasnt all that bad because i usually dont do anything anyway because i work all day from 12:30 to 9. But i woke up at around 11:30 wishing that i didnt stay out all night because i was beyond tried and did not feel like working all day. Then to make it worse i couldnt even check my facebook to see all the dumb posts that my friends made. I really wanted to listen to some music to get me going but i couldnt do that either so overall i was in a bad mood when i showed up to work. Work was very boring as usual and it was even more boring because i couldnt txt my friends. After i survied work i went home thinking that i had to go to class on monday morning but luckily i checked my email and remembered that the final was on wendsday. So even though i checked my email i did it for a good reason because i would of showed up to class and nobody would of been there. So then i just ate some food and spent some time with my family rather than go in my room and be on facebook. Then after my parents went to sleep i was bored out of my mind so i just decided to go to sleep too.

2nd day

This last day for me was not that difficult, I just stay in my house resting and studying for my music examen on monday I didnt did that much, a really didnt used my cell phone or use text message, I only make like one or two calls and it was for my mom. I have to be sinsare I did hear a little bit of music while I was cleaning the kitchen :s, it was very tentative to not do it. yesterday at midnight I was reaciving a lot of emails and facebook updates and i really wanted to see them, and to be sinsare I did a little bit, then I was like no I have to wait until tomorrow. This two days make me think on how we are really depending on mass media and without it we cannot survive, is not like the old times anymore, we have to use ouir cellphones, facebook, emails etc, to now what is happening in our lives, it is now an habit for us.

Sunday, 12-5-10, Day 2

In the morning wasn't so bad. I got up around 7am to start getting my stuff ready to head out to church and teach my kiddos. I got up extra early because I had to go to HEB to buy some snacks for the kids. Around 9:45-12pm i was in church. After I was entertained with my baby cousins, playing tag, playing basketball and removing stubborn stickers from my boots and the basketball. When they left my family and I decided to cook a late lunch. We made Fajitas tacos, they were yummy. We gabbed about the latest things that were happening in our lives. ( I had told them about my "Media Deprivation Project", so they werent going to do the T.V. thing only), and we laughed and decided that we were going to go into SA to go shopping for Christmas. We headed out to the Alamo Ranch shopping mall to Micheals, JCpennys, Best Buy, Target, and other little stores. After about 4 hrs there it was about 5:45 and we were too tired so we headed home. My sister and I had to drop my grandmother and mother at night service at the church, then go to HEB before heading home. When we arived at home, I thought I would just peek at my phone to see if I missed anything in my social life with friends, and I had some missed texts and missed calls but nothing to worry about. When my parentals came home from Church around 8pm, my mom and sister insisted that they wanted the tree and lights up. So for about an hour or two we put up the tree and I went outside in the almosting FREEZING cold, to put up the light on the rest of the house. Which wasn't as bad as I make it sound. After Christmas being put around the house. I brought my animals in because I didn't want them freezing to death. Then I headed to bed around 10:45pm, for school in the morning.

Day 2: Sunday

This day was much easier than Saturday. I go to church Sunday in the morning and at night so that took up much of my day. One thing I did have a problem with though was riding in the car with no music. Saturday I didn’t really commit to doing this, but I decided that I should go all the way with this project. When driving, it felt weird with the silence but after I got used to it. It made you notice your surroundings more. After church in the morning I had to study for a final, so no need for media there. However, I kept hearing screaming and yelling. It was family watching the Cowboys game in the other room. Everyone, including me, in my family hates the Cowboys; we always watch their games so we can see them lose. It sounded like a good game, so I gave in and watched some of it. I didn’t feel that bad though, the Cowboys were doing horrible. My favorite part was when they blocked that punt for a touchdown. Unfortunately, at the end, the Cowboys won. I am pretty sure they won’t go anywhere anyway. At the end of day football broke me down again. My team the Steelers were playing on Sunday night football so I had to see a little of that. Thankfully we won the game. Texting and using the Internet was once again very easy to ignore. I think this worked this weekend because I had so many things to do school related. If I were to try this any other weekend I don’t think I could have handled it. With my weekend finally over I am back to my ways again. It feels good to listen to my music again. I learned a lot about myself this weekend, so at the end of everything, I am glad I went through it.

Day 2

The second day without media was much more easier. I got up and went to mass and after mass I went to a ranch with my family and i stayd there the whole day. All afternoon I spent it with my family talking about old times. I did watch some T.V while I was in the ranch because my family was watching a soccer game, so I kind of watch. then I got home late and started doing homework and went to sleep without listening to music, which was kind of weird.


I will admit day two was much harder then day 1.I woke up to a phone call from work asking me to go into work because they only had three servers. I decided I'd do them the favor and go in so I began to get ready and then received a follow up call saying to not come in after all. I was pretty furious since he ruined my sleep. I feel guilty to say but I logged onto facebook today and had to upload some new photos from Friday nights party. I could not help myself. I even went through various status updates and almost updated one myself but in the back of my head I felt like Professor Lopez was stalking our facebook pages seeing if we are lying about updates. Once again I was very productive without any use of media and actually studied for my world literature exam before going into work at four. Work was packed full of people and I already had to begin to take tables right when I got there and even had a big party which were actually pretty decent customers. Music was not on at work today since all the football and basketball games were on which really sucked because I really enjoy the play lists at work. Were always singing and dancing at work and when games are on it get a little boring since I do not care to watch football, although I do enjoy watching the basketball games. As I got home from work I took a shower and cheated by putting Pandora Radio on as I showered. This is actually a pretty cool project and has taught me a lot about how much I use media on a day to day basis. I don't think I could go another few days without listening to the radio in the car, texting everyone nonstop and being able to use to Internet for other things other than schoolwork.

The Great Escape

Sunday, I was prepared to avoid all media. Saturday was tough since I was stuck at the apartment until I had to work, but today I'm off and decided that the best way to escape from the ever lingering media is to go somewhere that is totally void of it, somewhere that society doesn't often venture. I chose Reimer's Ranch as my safe haven. Reimer's is a national park type area near Austin that is very popular for rock climbing and cell phone service is absolutely no where to be found. So when I woke up Sunday, my roommates and I racked up and headed out to get some real climbing in. This is the first time since I broke my hand that i have been able to climb outdoors instead of in the gym, so needless to say I was pretty pumped. We climbed till about 5 and left the Ranch with the failing light. In order to stay clear of temptation, once we got back to the apartment I showered, changed and went out to a couple of bars with some friends until about 2 as far as I remember. So yesterday was a great success in avoiding the media thanks to my great escape from normal society to a rural society.