Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day One.

My day started out pretty tough because I'm used to waking up on Friday's and immediately hitting my comic website for anything new. However, today I can only close my laptop and stare at the word "Toshiba" on the back of the screen. What makes it worse is I wake up early so I kind of had a long day to draw, sit around, or sleep. I started the day off with drawing or rather coming up with a plot for my comic. I started a comic, only a page and two panel long, with no plot. No point to the story other than the adventure the main character might have. I spent a hour trying to come up with a way I could make a multi-dimensional-Satan-like-being fit into being the big story baddie. Some how he has to appear in the universe with the powers to change the universe to explain why some people now have super natural powers or changes to their person. Everytime I think about it the baddie just seems too power. After a long period of pacing my room I just screw it, I'm going to make me breakfast. This part of my Friday is something I sometimes procrastinate being distracted by online gaming, gaming, or web surfing. That day I did it around 9:30am which is the time I like to do it. My mom's not in the house at that time and I guess it has some kind of meditative effect on me. Usually after I cook something I like to watch something while I eat. Be it on the science channel, history channel, or just the news on CNN. Yesterday I just ate and looked around my room for something to do for a while. Mostly at the corners of my room I paid attention to how the light touched each surface of all the corners differently. I feel asleep at some time that morning, and woke up when my dad rang the door bell. He came by to take me to go get my hair cut. I didn't really talk to him when he came by I was still bit sleepy. I slept in the car on the way there and on the way back I did the same. Pretty much after I got back from my hair cut I spent my time drawing, sleeping, and washing my clothes. I became effected by not watching TV mostly around the time I usually go to sleep which is about eleven. I stay up past nine to watch Family Guy, South Park, and The Daily Show. Since I couldn't watch those shows I just went to sleep which is also not normal because usually I fall asleep watching one of those shows. However, I had to sleep in silence which caused me to think a lot. Made me think how much I don't socialize.

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