Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love Media.

I have to admit, this has been the craziest day ever it has made me realize how much I depend on media and how addicted I am to my phone! Friday morning i tried to wake up the latest possible. I woke up at 10:30 a.m. this really helped because I only had to wait 3 hours until work. By the time I was ready it was already 12 p.m. noon. At this time I couldn't stand being at the house without using any media, so I left my house to go eat a 7 seas soup at "Los Cocos" Mexican Seafood restaurant. Luckily they had a lady singing karaoke so I got some music to my ears whic really helped. After I was done eating it was already 1 p.m. so I headed to work. I have to admit this was the most loneliest and long ride to work, I had never appreciated radio and music so much. Now that I didn't have it, I really missed it! I had to sing and dance to me singing! That was not a good idea, first I noticed that I am not very good at remembering song lyrics, actually I am really bad. It was really funny listening to me singing and makin up lyrics to random songs. I even tried singing some Vicente Fernades classical songs in spanish. And as you can expect I couldn't rememeber those lyrics either. At the same time that it was lonely and kind of sad it was funny listening to my self sing. So I got to work and and it was fun friday, which means we sing and dance with the kids which sounded like heaven this day. Being at work really helped me because it was 6 hours that I am not tempted by my cellphone, the internet, or the radio, this really helped me enjoy this Friday at work. Once I got out, I replied to my girlfriends text message, she wanted to go have dinner so I took it as an emergency text that I had to reply and we went to "Buffalo Wild Wings" a place abundant in media that would really help me release stress and have a good time in a public environment. After some wings and beer I felt so tired and drowsy I just wanted to get home and sleep.

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