Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Driving Slow on Sunday morning"

This has been one hell of a weekend.
From friday up until today ive been working and feeling really bad about the fact i haven't written anything on here. Friday i was a work from 4-12 and i just completely spaced out on the assignment. but, what was good is that no phone was used (which was fine cause i can live without it) and no music was listened to all day except for work, which was hard for me because music is like my meth and i love christmas music but, the stuff we play at work, let's just say i prefer having my teeth drilled. I think the only computer that was being used all day was the registers at work and doing search sends. Yesterday, i was at work from 2-11pm and i gave in a little to my cell phone only cause i had to call home only to say i was gonna be staying at work later than i thought. im not really sure if showing someone how to use a kindle is acceptable in this blog thing but, i did use that. tv was easier than i thought. Going into the break room during lunch/dinner i just read the newspaper or talked to my friend Stephanie. So for my second blog since i didnt write one for friday saturday and this is one for today its gonna be good. My friend since hearing about this project has momentarily taken my ipod, cell phone and laptop away from me so its fine. Since im going back to work today its gonna be the same as always.
Its sad tho, the only music im listening to are the songs that are in my head. not like in a creepy of saying that i mean, the songs that i loved so much i ended up memerizing them.
it sucks.

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