Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 2: Sunday

This day was much easier than Saturday. I go to church Sunday in the morning and at night so that took up much of my day. One thing I did have a problem with though was riding in the car with no music. Saturday I didn’t really commit to doing this, but I decided that I should go all the way with this project. When driving, it felt weird with the silence but after I got used to it. It made you notice your surroundings more. After church in the morning I had to study for a final, so no need for media there. However, I kept hearing screaming and yelling. It was family watching the Cowboys game in the other room. Everyone, including me, in my family hates the Cowboys; we always watch their games so we can see them lose. It sounded like a good game, so I gave in and watched some of it. I didn’t feel that bad though, the Cowboys were doing horrible. My favorite part was when they blocked that punt for a touchdown. Unfortunately, at the end, the Cowboys won. I am pretty sure they won’t go anywhere anyway. At the end of day football broke me down again. My team the Steelers were playing on Sunday night football so I had to see a little of that. Thankfully we won the game. Texting and using the Internet was once again very easy to ignore. I think this worked this weekend because I had so many things to do school related. If I were to try this any other weekend I don’t think I could have handled it. With my weekend finally over I am back to my ways again. It feels good to listen to my music again. I learned a lot about myself this weekend, so at the end of everything, I am glad I went through it.

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