Monday, December 6, 2010


I will admit day two was much harder then day 1.I woke up to a phone call from work asking me to go into work because they only had three servers. I decided I'd do them the favor and go in so I began to get ready and then received a follow up call saying to not come in after all. I was pretty furious since he ruined my sleep. I feel guilty to say but I logged onto facebook today and had to upload some new photos from Friday nights party. I could not help myself. I even went through various status updates and almost updated one myself but in the back of my head I felt like Professor Lopez was stalking our facebook pages seeing if we are lying about updates. Once again I was very productive without any use of media and actually studied for my world literature exam before going into work at four. Work was packed full of people and I already had to begin to take tables right when I got there and even had a big party which were actually pretty decent customers. Music was not on at work today since all the football and basketball games were on which really sucked because I really enjoy the play lists at work. Were always singing and dancing at work and when games are on it get a little boring since I do not care to watch football, although I do enjoy watching the basketball games. As I got home from work I took a shower and cheated by putting Pandora Radio on as I showered. This is actually a pretty cool project and has taught me a lot about how much I use media on a day to day basis. I don't think I could go another few days without listening to the radio in the car, texting everyone nonstop and being able to use to Internet for other things other than schoolwork.

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