Monday, December 6, 2010

Sunday, 12-5-10, Day 2

In the morning wasn't so bad. I got up around 7am to start getting my stuff ready to head out to church and teach my kiddos. I got up extra early because I had to go to HEB to buy some snacks for the kids. Around 9:45-12pm i was in church. After I was entertained with my baby cousins, playing tag, playing basketball and removing stubborn stickers from my boots and the basketball. When they left my family and I decided to cook a late lunch. We made Fajitas tacos, they were yummy. We gabbed about the latest things that were happening in our lives. ( I had told them about my "Media Deprivation Project", so they werent going to do the T.V. thing only), and we laughed and decided that we were going to go into SA to go shopping for Christmas. We headed out to the Alamo Ranch shopping mall to Micheals, JCpennys, Best Buy, Target, and other little stores. After about 4 hrs there it was about 5:45 and we were too tired so we headed home. My sister and I had to drop my grandmother and mother at night service at the church, then go to HEB before heading home. When we arived at home, I thought I would just peek at my phone to see if I missed anything in my social life with friends, and I had some missed texts and missed calls but nothing to worry about. When my parentals came home from Church around 8pm, my mom and sister insisted that they wanted the tree and lights up. So for about an hour or two we put up the tree and I went outside in the almosting FREEZING cold, to put up the light on the rest of the house. Which wasn't as bad as I make it sound. After Christmas being put around the house. I brought my animals in because I didn't want them freezing to death. Then I headed to bed around 10:45pm, for school in the morning.

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