Monday, December 6, 2010

The Great Escape

Sunday, I was prepared to avoid all media. Saturday was tough since I was stuck at the apartment until I had to work, but today I'm off and decided that the best way to escape from the ever lingering media is to go somewhere that is totally void of it, somewhere that society doesn't often venture. I chose Reimer's Ranch as my safe haven. Reimer's is a national park type area near Austin that is very popular for rock climbing and cell phone service is absolutely no where to be found. So when I woke up Sunday, my roommates and I racked up and headed out to get some real climbing in. This is the first time since I broke my hand that i have been able to climb outdoors instead of in the gym, so needless to say I was pretty pumped. We climbed till about 5 and left the Ranch with the failing light. In order to stay clear of temptation, once we got back to the apartment I showered, changed and went out to a couple of bars with some friends until about 2 as far as I remember. So yesterday was a great success in avoiding the media thanks to my great escape from normal society to a rural society.

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