Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 2: Sunday..UNBEARABLE!

My second day was so much worse!

Since it was my second day off work, this day was practically unbearable! It was so hard not to use media. Before I started this project I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. I never thought it would be this hard not to use media.
When I woke up, the first thing I did was turn on the televison and watch the news. I almost started flipping the channel, but then remembered that I wasn't suppose to enjoy the media for today.
My boyfriend, Tyler had called me asking if I wanted to see a movie since we do every Sunday. I immediately said yes, since I could atleast go out and enjoy a movie, media and social communication.
After the movie, it was pretty late, so I decided just eat dinner and go to bed. I headed to bed pretty early because I knew Desperate Housewives would be coming on soon and I did not want to be tempted into watching it.
This weekend was really hard without using media, but I tried really hard and I can definitely say that I accompished this weekends media deprivation.

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