Monday, December 6, 2010

day 2...terrible!!!!

okay this wasnt cool at all, anyone whokonws me can and will tell you that I am the biggest dallas cowbows fan in the world, now regardless of their 3-8 record coming into yesterday afternoons game i was pretty pumped about it. We got this new hotshot coach that has done some impressive work with the dallas cowboys football team, but anyway that is beside the point. i had church from 9:30am till about 11:30 am and then went to have some menudo at some catering event. Well around 2 o'clock comes around so ill tell my girlfriend "oh man look at the time, its about that time to start getting ready to watch the game" so this girl has the nerve to say "aren't you not allowed to watch tv today?" keep in mind this is the same girl that texted me the day before knowing that i wasnt allowed to text. i was so......i cant even describe what my true feelings were but lets just say i was in a pretty bad mood. i literally havn't missed a dallas cowboy games in 4 seasons. It was heartbreaking, but i was up for the challenge. im not gonna lie i started thinking of little crafty ideas around it but it involed a cell phone and a radio so it was a big no no. i have to say that this project was very interesting and that i would definately consider doing it again just for the excitement. Oh so it turns out i missed a pretty awesome game. GREAT!!!! Thanks Mr. Lopez!! Kidding! HaHa!

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