Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 1

Well i started the project on saturday and it was a little tough. First thing i tried to do when i woke up was check both my phone and facbook but i caught myself in the act of doing it. Then i wanted to watch tv but remembered that i couldnt do that either. So to relieve myself of boredom i decided to go to the gym, i usually have my ipod blasting whenever i work out so i decided to cheat and listen to my ipod while i worked out. After that i spent the next 8 hours of my day at work. Im not allowed to txt while im at work anyway but it was still hard not to pull out my phone when no one is looking and sneak in a quick txt. I got out of work at 9pm and that is when i usually call my friends to see if they are doing anything that night but i couldnt use my cell phone so i just decided to show up at my friends house. Then i just chilled with my friends for the rest of the night. So overall during the day i had some tough times but i survived without using mass media every single second.

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