Sunday, December 5, 2010

1st day

I will say this project is actually pretty hard. I woke up on Saturday and of course checked my phone to see my text messages.I showered and got ready and it was so hard not to turn on my ipod dock as I usually do. I had to go to work at 10:30 and it was very difficult to not turn on my radio to listen to music on the way to work. I work at Buffalo Wild Wings so I was definitely not deprived at work of the TV and music. During work its really difficult to text, so it wasn't hard for me to not go check my phone or send text messages in the bathroom. After work of course I wanted to text everyone about what was going on that night, so instead I just text three people instead of five and made the messages very short. I was so tempted throughout the day to get onto facebook with my phone or play Pandora radio. I forgot to say that I actually got a brand new phone yesterday mailed to me and I did go ahead and upload applications to it. I was thinking about it and most the time that I mess around with my phone is due to just being bored at the moment, I wasn't ever dying to grab my phone or really see what every ones status's were on facebook. The one thing I really did struggle with yesterday was not being able to listen to the radio as I did my homework. I was actually very productive without media yesterday and finished all my homework that was due until next Sunday. Although while doing homework I usually always log onto my facebook page and text people. That night I decided not to go out and I will not lie but I cheated and skyped with my best friend for about an hour before I decided to go to sleep.It was extremely hard not to text my boyfriend and ask him how his night was going.

1 comment:

  1. I know !! it was diffiucult for me too , by not hearing the radio on my way to school and also checking facebook!!! but at the same time I didnt had that dificulty becuase I woke up late , and almost all the day I was busy
