Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day II- "the unexpected"

Another busy day ahead of me awaits, I have a long and busy day in front of me. I woke up and started my busy day getting ready for the cheer performance. I had to take my daughter to her cheer event. We jumped into the car and drove off. I enjoyed my ride with my daughter. Without any sorts of media interruptions we had a great conversation going on. when we arrived there was music playing at her performance. The music didn't bother me at all. We were there all afternoon. The challenge of depriving myself from all sorts of media has no effect on me. At least , until I arrived home. Tired of all the daily activity I had, I was ready to get some rest. I kept reminding myself about the media deprivation project. That evening was one of the hardest time I experienced. Time was playing a big factor at the moment, time stood still. I wanted the clock hands to turn to ten o'clock. I wanted to go to bed but it was not time, yet. During that time I picked up a book and read "Catch Me If You Can" I also wrote a letter to my dear friend. There were no temptations from cell phone use because I decided to keep it away. I remember making one call and the rest was easy because of my smartphone keypad malfuction. So I was not likely to use my smartphone with the keypad malfuction. I did realize a few temptations when I arrived home, I wanted so bad to pop in a movie that Ive been wanting to watch for the past two days. After reading, I fell fast asleep... I was so glad this day was over...

1 comment:

  1. Sunday is finally here, and now I have a movie to watch!!!! Do not bother me at any time... Got that!!!!!
