Sunday, December 5, 2010

Artistic Saturday and Party!

Saturday off from work, equals very hard day without media. I had to find something to do on a Saturday without work and without watching television, using the Internet, checking Facebook, listening to music and the hardest of them all. No "Angry Birds" game on my cellphone! A very addicting game that I like to use as a daily pastime. Well I woke up, and an idea sparked up. I would go eat breakfast with my girlfriend then go to the flea market to buy old school video games, which I love to collect and play. Which I thought would be kind of ironic since I couldn't play the video games if I bought some, but there is always time for that the next day. Well that took about three hours off my Saturday, I was done about 1:30. Now there was no other option but to go home because I didn't want to spend any more money at least for the afternoon. So I got home and for some reason my artistic side came to my mind. I felt like I wanted to do something that would definitely take some time and distract me from any media. Well I started off lazy, I printed out a picture of a dragon, so I could color and it would take some time. So I did, and once I was done coloring, I felt I still needed to pick it up a little, coloring a printout of a dragon was not very artistic. So I did I let my inner kid out and started drawing an alien and a space ship which I then kept adding color and props until the whole page had no more white on it. Then I thought to my self, you know what; I am going to step up a level, I will show Marc Bauerlein we can still be artistic without media so I got my 16" by 25" pad and my charcoal chalks and started thinking of what to draw. Then it just hit me, I thought of the most abundant and representative plant of the southwest, the cactus. Then I did and it turned out pretty good. I will post some pictures so you guys can see exactly what I did. After that I took a nap for about an hour and when I woke up, the best thing in the world was in my phone. I got a text from a friend about a party at 9:00 p.m. at his apartment! That sure sounded like heavenly sent text. I knew with this I had my Saturday made. I would get to listen to music, have a drink with friends, and socialize for the rest of the night and go to sleep like a baby until the next morning which ended my media deprivation project. So I didn't think about it twice, I got ready headed to the store for some refreshments and headed out to the party as soon as possible. And that was how my Saturday without media went, I really enjoyed it, not so bad!

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