Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday: Day 1

Okay, thankfully my day started late, so having no media wasn't all that bad. Friday night I stayed up late, so I didn't wake up until almost 11. Since I knew that couldn't do anything media related, I decided to focus on school stuff since finals are next week. That was harder than it sounded. Usually during homework I listen to music, so that was kind of hard at first with just silence. I listen to music everywhere. I listen to it walking from class to class, I listen in the car, while working out, and any other situation that I can. As you can imagine, the day was pretty long. As far as social networking, I don't have a Facebook so I didn't worry there, but I do use the Internet for looking at videos and movies when I' am bored. T.V. and the phone are not that bad either. I don't watch T.V. that much and it's easy for me to not text back to somebody. I'll just explain to them Monday why I didn't text back. After I finished studying I washed my car, and then I went to mall to buy some things. I realized that if I was busy the day wasn't that hard to deal with. Later at about 12 PM, I went to the gym and played some basketball. Before I went asleep, I realized how much I depend on music. However, I did find out that I would surive if for some reason I didnt have access to music anymore. It was a very long day but I am glad I went through it because I learned many things about myself that I can use in the future to help me in future situations.

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