Sunday, December 5, 2010

Can't Escape

"Not as easy as it sounds" would be my best choice of words describing my first day of media deprivation. I thought I would have an easier time with this assignment because my life is fairly media deprived, but because it has become a taboo I find it in everything. To understand my frustration you need to know a little bit about my situation. I live on a couch in my friends one bedroom apartment with him and his girlfriend. This is great for my vagabond lifestyle, since I don't pay rent and haven't unpacked my bags in a year, but makes it difficult to avoid the media when the only television in the apartment is a fifty two inch old big screen that is fixed directly in front of my bed/couch. Having no window blinds to shield me from the first onslaught of light that breaks the horizon, I haven't the luxury of sleeping in to pass my day. I did find myself reaching for the remote when I first woke up but stopped my self and got a book off the shelf that I have been reading. This book was my entertainment for most of the morning, until my roommates woke up and began to play video games. I escaped out to the balcony in an attempt to avoid the media that is hiding around me in all forms that seem to be ever more tantalizing now that they have become forbidden. It lines the walls with books and DVDs, it's scattered around the table in magazines and Cd's and its waiting just one tempting click away on the television or computer. I need to escape from society to truly evade this media plague. After their globally connected battle was over my friend went to work and I took his girlfriend around town to apply for jobs. This was an interesting couple of hours since I had been deprived of all forms of mobile listening, with the exception of the life troubles of a nineteen year old girl. To ease my frustration I went to Lifetime Fitness and rock climbed for a little while before I went into work. Work was more enjoyable and easier to pass than usual, imagine that, and luckily when my shift ended I arrived home to sleeping roommates and was able to go to bed with hopes of an better day tomorrow.

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