Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 1: Saturday

Okay, so I've done this project before (I've taken this class in the past) and it was extremely hard for me to accomplish, thats why I made extra sure that I could do it this time around.

Yesterday was really hard because I had the day off. Usually I love taking a break, but this time, I wish I had been at work all day. I started off by waking up, which was at 12:30 pm because I did not set my alarm. Half of the reason was because I didn't have anything planned for the day, and the other half was for this project. Laying in bed, I caught myself typing in the URL for facebook in my Blackberry, but I stopped when I remembered I was deprived of media.

Since I couldn't really do anything around my house because of the media, I decided to go shopping with my mom. We had a lot of christmas shopping to do, so I was there all day. The hardest part about being at the mall was using my Blackberry when I was in a "mommy" store,waiting. This wasn't too bad because the mall was better than being at home. I listened to the christmas music playing around the stores, used an ipad in the Apple store, and watch a couple music videos inside different stores.

When we left the mall and got home it was really hard to resist watching television. Since the news was on, I didn't feel that bad about sneaking in the living room for 30 minutes. Watching my laptop right in front of me being unused was so hard! I always play Text Twist Turbo and I couldn't! So, I decided to go take my dog for a walk. We went pretty far in my neighborhood, so that took my mind off media for quite a while. I think I did really good considering that I didn't even take my ipod with me!

Since I woke up late, night time came pretty quick and the deprivation got harder to resist. I decided to stay in tonight, so it harder than I thought. Usually I lay in bed and watch televison until I fall asleep, but not this night. I gave in a checked and on my Blackberry. I didn't feel that bad since I had resisted media all day and I didn't even go to my favorite site, When I finished my readings, I was suprisingly tired and passed out.

Overall, Saturday wasn't too bad. I'm just worried about tommorrow!

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