Sunday, December 5, 2010

Media Deprivation Day 2 Taylor Davis

Okay, so let me just tell you that I am so glad I decided to do my Media Deprivation project on Friday and Saturday because there are way too many good sporting events happening today to miss. I had a pretty low-key saturday, even though I spent much of the day on the computer posting on discussion boards for other classes and writing papers I was able to stay off of ESPN and Facebook. (which happen to be my two favorite websites) I have been taking full advantage today of all of my social media outlets and online shopping oppurtunities. This porject has made me notice a few things: 1.I can get soooooo much more done withought the distractions of TV and internet everyday. 2. The convenience of the internet makes many things much easier. (ordering food online, paying bills online, shipping online) 3.I find it kind of funny that they call it social media because most forms of social media actually cause us to be inside on the computer as opposed to being social in the real world. I didn't really find the deprivation of media too hard these past 2 days I just found that it has allowed me more time to get other things done.

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