Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day Two.

I tried my best not to wake up before seven. However, that didn't happen I woke up at about six. I didn't have much to do yesterday.

After waking up I started drawing some pictures of a character from my plot-less comic. I tried to make on of them an image of the character throwing a fireball from her hand; I spent a good frustrating hour trying to get the outline to look just right. Then another one where she's kind of rocketing herself upwards with jet stream of fire coming from her mouth. I made this picture in a dynamic view point. Your looking up from the ground seeing her face up close blast fire from her mouth to the ground. Her head seems out of proportion with the rest of the characters body being that her body is being foreshortened. Note; none of the characters I came up with have names. A plot-less story with characters that have no names; glorious.

After eating breakfast I decided I'd break a rule and watch something streaming off the net for a while. I got bored of sitting around doing nothing but my laundry and drawing. I probably watch this anime called, Beck I picked it from That's all I did the whole day. I didn't turn on the TV though and I didn't do any online gaming or file sharing. Which is a problem because I need to send this dude these 2D graphics I finished for him so he could put them in his game.

Going to sleep in silence is nice. I feel I actually dream when I sleep in silence rather than with some kind of sound buzzing in my room. I had a dream about the world being attack by alien space ships and like in a video game I some died but then I re-spawned or something. Then when I woke up it felt like I was asleep for a week straight.

This whole experience has made me think about how much time I spend on my computer playing games and surfing for anime.

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