Sunday, December 5, 2010

day two: serious self-discipline

I started Saturday off by waking up at ten o'clock, thinking that the later I sleep the less time I had to be deprived form media. since i had turned my phone off I wasn't tempted to check for text messages and check my friends statuses on facebook. Usually when I am eating breakfast I watch t.v., that was really difficult to do without on this morning due to the huge weekend of college football. After breakfast I went to the gym to workout. At the gym they have t.v.s everywhere and the radio is playing constantly so it was like a little piece of heaven when I saw the ACC championship game while working out. Driving without the radio has been the easiest form of media to do without during this experience. Without it I reflect on what life would be like with no mass media influence......I had come to the realization that it is much more boring. When I returned home I sat down in the kitchen to think of some ideas that would kill time and make the day more enjoyable without media. I remembered that my truck was rather dirty and had been that way for a long time, so I hand washed it which took about 2 hours. I will probably never hand wash it again but in order to make time go by it had to be done. Once i completed that task the time was about 4 o'clock and I had no more ideas to kill time other than sleep, so i took a cat nap and awoke at 6 o'clock still facing the dreaded media derivation for another 12 hours. Faced with no ideas I resorted to my phone and some help form my friends. When i met up with them the day seemed to fly by. We spent some time at the RIM eating dinner and looking for the gifts our families told us they wanted. After the shopping and eating we headed to a party where i listened to music and watched t.v.. All and all this experience has showed me how being without the things I use most can make for an eventful 48 hours

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