Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 1

This is m first day without using any mass media devices, I woke up at 1 pm, but the bad thing was that I always sleep with my cell pchone near to me and I was hearing how I was reciving all the messages and emails and facebook things. Then I had the temptation to look on facebook, but i didnt !! to be sincere I did talk a few times to my friends by messages, it was a little dificult for me because I had a dance preformence at scholl and I had to talk to friends about things of the taht we need to took to the theater etc. After this, I was cooking and my roomate was wathcing TV, and I was like noooooo I cannot watch TV jaj but I coudnt do eneything make her turn it off, and what I did is not payed attention so eat fast,, and it was a part that I wanted to know what she was seeing, becuase it sound intresting but I really didnt now what was she seeing, but finally I didnt new anything jaja. When I was driving to my preformence , I ussually make 30 minutes to arrive to school, and the only thing that entertain me is the radio, my boyfreind was driving and turn on the radio and I was like nooo I cant jaja so I turn it off and I said that we shoud sing, so all my way to school we were singing. and with this experience I learn that how mass media has affected us in the way of how we comunicate each other , for example families dont spend any time together anymore, because each one of them have a Tv on their room, so this separte them from spending time as a family, and I told my boyfriend that this experience by not hearing the music make me think that when we hear music we dont talk to each other, and when we turn it off, we are talking to each other.

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