Sunday, December 5, 2010

Saturday: What a hot day for a play.

The previous night before, my parents got home and blasted the volume on the tv. In order to go to sleep, I plugged in earplugs so I can sleep in silence. I realized that it wasn’t a good idea when I woke up at 7:40 rushing to get ready for work, which was at 8. I got there 3 mins late, but they didn’t seem to mind. I was hoping that I was going to bag groceries all day, but I ended up outside the whole shift and it was hot. After my shift ended, I drove home tired. I came to an empty home. I called my parents to find out where they were ( I know, no cell phones allowed), and they went to Mya’s (my favorite Mexican restaurant) without me. They said I could meet them there and when I did they were already done. I still ended up eating, but it would have been nice if they had asked. After that, my dad drove me to get the car inspected and when we arrived, they said we needed to have a piece of the car (this piece was a decoration) in order to pass. So my dad drove across town looking for the part at a cheap price. When we arrived to the place, it was closed. As my dad drove us home, we noticed the car was out of gas, luckily we made it to a gas station before we would need to push the car home. When we came home, I ran to the computer to type up the blog. When I came down stairs, I noticed the new Netflix DVDs were on the table. Unfortunately, because of this media depravation project, I couldn’t watch them. After that, I ended up taking out Christmas decorations out of the boiling-hot attic, and then I put up Christmas lights using our century-old wooden ladder, but I didn’t die. Once we decorated the outside of the house, I decided to take a bike ride around the neighborhood. Then, I came back home, got dressed, and went to my sister’s play. Sadly, her role wasn’t as big as we thought. After the play was over, we went out to Chili’s to grab a bite to eat. Before I knew it, it was time to go to sleep for work in the morning.

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